St Andrew's

Psalter Lane


Weekly Newsletter and Other News

St Andrew's Psalter Lane Church

Weekly Newsletter   


Sunday 21st July 2024

8th Sunday after Trinity

9.15 am    Holy Communion    Revd Cheryl Collins

10.30 am  Morning Worship/Eco Service  Jenny Carpenter

The Coat of Hopes will be in church this morning – please see item in Notices for details



Lord God,

your Son left the riches of heaven

and became poor for our sake:

when we prosper save us from pride,

when we are needy save us from despair,

that we may trust in you alone;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Readings Apocryphal Book of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 18: 1-14

                  Romans 8: 18-28


Hymns     StF 102 For the beauty of the earth

                  StF 397 The Spirit lives to set us free, verse 1

                  StF 718 We lay our broken world (read together)

                  The Church’s Calling

                  StF 729 Touch the earth lightly


The service will be live streamed and you can watch it here.

There is a Junior Church activity sheet available here.

You can read the whole newsletter here.





Sunday 28th July 2024

9th Sunday after Trinity

10.30 am    Holy Communion   Revd Naomi Cooke




 Tuesday 23rd July 

          2.00 - 4.00 pm -  Tuesday Café in Shirley House

The café is for those living at home with memory loss or dementia and their carers.  Hot drinks and cakes, music, memories, singing, stories and more.  For further information ring the church office (0114 2678289) or email



Wednesday 24th July

         10.30 am    Holy Communion in Church

         7.30 pm      ECC Meeting, Narthex



NEW! You can listen to a podcast of our recent services here!

Same sex marriage at SAPLC

At St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church, we seek to be an inclusive church, and a place in which every person is celebrated and affirmed.

We are delighted to announce that we have now received consent from both the Methodist Church and the Church of England to use SAPLC for the solemnisation of same sex marriages conducted by a Methodist Minister according to the rites of the Methodist Church, and we have made an application for the church building to be registered for such occasions.

We welcome enquiries from anyone who is considering getting married and who would like to explore this further. Please contact the Revd Naomi Cooke: 

If you would like to support the ongoing work of St Andrew's Psalter Lane Church, you can do so by clicking on the button below.

You can also donate by BACS: Sort code: 05-08-08 Account Number: 36930499
or by cheque payable to: St Andrew’s Psalter Lane Church, and posted to St Andrew’s Church Office, 31 Psalter Lane, S11 8YL.


Don't forget to Gift Aid your donation if you can, as this will increase the amount we receive by 25%!



Coat of Hopes The Coat of Hopes is a patchwork pilgrim coat, on an ongoing walk through Britain. Made, worn and walked by many hundreds of people during and since the pilgrimage on which it was created, from the south coast of England to the gates of COP 26, the UN climate summit, in Glasgow autumn 2021.
The Coat is made up of pieces of blanket into which people have worked their griefs,
remembrances, prayers and hopes for the place they call home.



The Coat was featured in our Eco Service on Sunday 21st July and several members of the congregation tried the Coat on before it left.


Zac demonstrated that both he and the Coat had grown since 2022!


Following the Service, the Coat was walked to Wisewood Methodist Church.





Congratulations to Sophie Godber! We are so pleased to see that Sophie’s Big Picture Garden won a Silver-gilt medal at the RHS Flower Show at Tatton Park this week. The garden acknowledges the construction methods and ideals of Peak District residents past, who lived and worked sustainably as a matter of course.  
Planting is both vibrant and productive, with a profusion of home-grown produce including carrots, leeks, chard, courgette and strawberries, intermingling among richly coloured blooms in a palette of deep blues and cool violets, punchy reds and fiery orange. Sophie’s garden also featured on Gardener’s World on Friday 19th July. The colours in the garden are fabulous! And how proud Sophie’s parents must feel!

Also a prizewinner at Tatton Park, This Garden Isn’t Finished Without You sponsored by The Methodist Church won a Gold medal. This garden creates a communal space where everyone is welcome to flourish. The floorplan of the garden reflects a typical Methodist Church with bright, colourful and diverse planting which is inspired by the diversity of people. 



Calling all singers for Sheffield Choir for Peace 

We're inviting you to join in a plan to regenerate Sheffield Choir for Peace - hooray! 
We are imagining being a group who can gather speedily together to sing for occasional one-off peace happenings.
To start with we plan to sing 2 songs at an event on Hiroshima Day, 6th August, at 1.00 pm outside the Town Hall. This will be a joint event with SCRAP (Sheffield Creative Action for Peace) and the
Coat of Hopes. As well as songs, the Lord Mayor will be speaking briefly and there will be a minute’s silence for victims of Hiroshima. We will then gather in or around the Peace Gardens for a craft session and an opportunity to meet the Coat of Hopes and make a shared patch for it and for a Cloak of Peace which SCRAP is making.
We're having 2 rehearsals at St Andrews URC, 86 Upper Hanover St, S3 7RQ to learn the 2 songs:
1) On Wednesday 24th July, from 7.00 - 8.30 pm in the church (main entrance, big blue doors) 
2) On Sunday 4th August, from 5.00 - 6.30 in the church hall (side entrance, through new gate to the right of the main gate)
You are welcome to come to one or both rehearsals if you want to sing, or to the event. We will have a collection at the rehearsal to cover the cost of hiring the hall.
If you'd like to join in but can't make either of the dates there will be sound files, so you can learn the song yourself. We will send out a link to these when they are ready!
If you can't make this event but would like to come and learn the songs for the joy of it or for possible future outings - please do come.
Please share this info with anyone and everyone who you think might be interested in joining in.
If you would like to be kept up to date with sound files, and future events, please email with your email and we will add it to a mailing list.



City of Sanctuary Appeal  City of Sanctuary Sheffield's vision is for our city to be a place of safety and welcome for people seeking sanctuary.
The Sanctuary is a utopia in the heart of Sheffield that we are working to build as an alternative to the system. It is a beacon of light in a storm and the soil from which so much good work grows.

This summer City of Sanctuary Sheffield are moving out of The Sanctuary to make way for exciting building works on Chapel Walk. We are taking this opportunity to do some building of our own - vastly improving The Sanctuary for the approximately 1500 people who come through the doors each month. The redesign plans will make The Sanctuary: 

  • More welcoming and safe for those seeking sanctuary.
  • More useful for all the groups who use the centre.
  • More beautiful, becoming a beacon of hope in difficult times.
  • More tailored to the requirements of people seeking sanctuary and those working in solidarity with them. 

In order to make these crucial improvements, we need to raise an additional £15,000 and need your help to reach our target. Your support will help us continue to offer a welcoming, safe, and beautiful environment for those seeking sanctuary in Sheffield.

Please click here and consider donating to our GoFundMe appeal and share it with your network to help us reach more people who believe in our mission. 


Bents Green Sunday Evening Service Every Sunday evening at Bents Green Church we meet for informal fellowship and worship, which might include teaching, discussion, activities, Holy Communion and refreshments. It's from 6.30 to about 8.00 pm.
Several people already attend from different churches, and we would like to invite anyone who would like to, to come and join us.
More information from Graham Wassell, Tel: 01142350393 or Mob: 07532054968



Postage stamp collection for the Bone Cancer Research Trust  If you receive post with stamps, would you like to save them to help raise funds for the Bone Cancer Research Trust? There will be a box at church to place them or people can give them to Pat Rogers and they will then be sent off.  Apparently modern stamps are much more valuable than older ones! (Older stamps are pre 2008) Stamps need a border of a finger width (1 cm). Foreign stamps are accepted but please keep these separate. (Channel Islands and Isle of Man count as foreign.)
They will be helping a good cause and be a little bit of recycling.


SAPLC Church of Sanctuary project Following the launch by Rev Inderjit Bhogal on 17th September of the SAPLC Church of Sanctuary project, we acquired copies of his book Sanctuary: the hospitality of host, guest and stranger. Copies of the book are available in the narthex, costing £3.00 . Please buy a copy and read it to support our Church of Sanctuary project.



All We Can Loose Change Appeal

 Thank you so much for all your donations to All We Can. The collection bowl will be out during Sunday service so please bring along any small change. Thank you again.



Clifford All Saints School

Community monthly prayer group If you are unable to attend but would like to share a prayer request for the group please click here

The Psalter Lane building is now closed, and the whole school is at the Ringinglow Road site. The Morris School window - originally one of the pair in old St Andrew’s, of which the one in the narthex is the other - has now been installed in the Ringinglow Road building and looks wonderful. There is a photograph of it on the board in the narthex. 



The Tuesday Café The café is open every Tuesday from 2.00 - 4.00 pm in Shirley House.  The café is for those living at home with memory loss or dementia and their carers.  Hot drinks and cakes, music, memories, singing, stories and more.  For further information ring the church office (0114 2678289) or email



SAPLC Jigsaw Library  Do you love doing jigsaws? Do you have a collection of completed jigsaws that you'll never use again? why not donate them to our Jigsaw Library and borrow a new one at the same time! - No charge but donations towards church funds are welcome!



Regular Giving to St Andrew's Psalter Lane Church  If you do not give to the church through the envelope scheme or by bank standing order, please have a word with Rodney Godber (tel 0114 266 3893) who will explain how this makes your giving to the church easier and more beneficial. If you would like to join the envelope scheme, please contact Janet Loughridge (tel 0114 258 4164)


Car Parking  If you are parking at church, please take care not to park directly opposite the yellow lines marking the path towards Shirley House and Southcroft, as this blocks pedestrian access for people coming to church from Southcroft



Methodist podcast  Have you discovered the weekly Methodist Podcast? Available here and on most audio streaming services. Half an hour of inspiring stories, emerging ideas and latest news from across our national church. 


Sheffield Interfaith news Visit the Sheffield Interfaith website for news on what they are doing.

Please also note this post about getting the Zoom links for their events.



Hidden History of People of Colour Uncovered Sheffield Cathedral is participating in a ground-breaking arts exhibition which sheds light on the hidden histories of South Yorkshire’s minority communities. Commissioned and curated by ‘Dig Where You Stand’, the cathedral is one of five Sheffield venues to be displaying artworks from Saturday 20 July to Sunday 18 August 2024.

‘Dig Where You Stand’ is a collaborative exhibition by 14 artists of colour, all based in South Yorkshire, who have explored local archives and produced dynamic new work to reveal the unknown history of people of colour in the region.

Just as histories are written across a city, this multi venue exhibition will display artworks across a range of highly visible public spaces. Make your way around Sheffield city centre and be moved by a stirring mixture of painting, poetry, puppetry, soundscapes, film, textiles, and live performance.

For more information about the exhibition including profiles about the artists and exhibition venues visit the Dig Where You Stand website.



Church of Sanctuary Meeting There will be a meeting to discuss Church of Sanctuary, and explore ideas about our response to this, on Monday 5th August at 7.30pm in the church. Please come if you can to discuss this important topic.


Sheffield Methodist District Gathering - Hidden Treasures

Registration is now open for the next District Gathering (including Synod) taking place on Saturday 14 September 9.30 am – 3.30 pm at The Crossing Church, Worksop. Everyone is invited to come along and find out more about what treasures can be found within our communities.

More information can be found on the booking page

Registration will close on Friday  6 September at noon - please contact the District Office ( after this date.


Bread and Breath: a spirituality of Holy Communion

A Quiet Day led by Inderjit Bhogal on 23 September 2024, 10am till 3pm at Upper Wincobank Undenominational Chapel, Wincobank Avenue, Sheffield, S5 6BB

BOOKING ESSENTIAL please email Deacon Annabel on:

See poster in narthex for further details

Foodbank and Baby Basics

Firvale Foodbank and Baby Basics are still desperately in need of help, so that they can help the most vulnerable members of society. If you are able to give anything, donations can be dropped off at the following addresses.

Food Bank

Donations can be left at the rear of 16 Edgehill Road, S7 1SP or in Church. Fir Vale continue to take referrals and just under 100 people are being supported. Food and cash donations are welcome. Food is especially welcome. The Food Bank particularly need pasta, rice, UHT milk, toiletries and toilet rolls, but are ever grateful for canned goods.


They need

  • Baked Beans
  • Canned Tomatoes
  • Pasta/rice
  • Toothpaste
  • Canned meats/fish

If you would like to give cash, you can donate here, or you can send a cheque made out to St Cuthbert’s (write Fir Vale Food Bank on the back) and send to Joe Dey at 16 Edgehill Road, S7 1SP, who will hand it over when he delivers to the Food Bank at St Cuthbert’s.


Baby Basics 


Gifts, especially nappies, toiletries and hand-knitted items (cardigans and jumpers for 2-5 year olds rather than babies if possible), and the following items for 2-5 years are always in short supply: pyjamas, underwear, socks, tights and warm trousers/jogging bottoms for boys and girls. 


At the moment, they really need 0-3 month clothing, baby socks and scratch mitts, 3-6-years clothing, baby wipes, nappy cream, cotton wool, 0-2year toothpaste and brushes, kids shampoo & conditioner for afro/curly hair.

Donations can be left in the basket at 51 Barkers Road, S7 1SD or in Church; cash donations should be put through the letter box. If Pat is away she will remove the basket from her front door step and she asks that items aren’t left at her door if the basket is not there. If you have something you can put through the letter box, that would be alright. The Facebook page also has information about donating via their Amazon wishlist. Donations can be left in the box at 51 Barkers Road, S7 1SD; cash donations should be put through the letter box. Pat would be able to collect donations if you cannot get them to her – telephone her on 2014881 if you would like to donate this way. You can also now donate online.


Bertie Bird’s Big Adventure

Bertie wants to travel all around the UK visiting every Baby Basics Centre to say hello to the teams that work so hard to serve their local community and raise much needed money to support the work of Baby Basics. But it is a very long way! He will start in Northern Ireland and after a long journey around the UK he will end up at his home in Sheffield, where it all began, 15 years ago!
Everyone can get involved to help him on his way. You decide how many kilometres you want to contribute and how you want to contribute them.
As we have centres all over the UK, including Northern Ireland and Jersey, Bertie is going to need to do some swimming and rowing as well as all the other fun ways people can think of to help get him around on dry land! Bertie Bird loves to keep fit and have fun at the same time, so whatever way you choose to contribute your kilometres from running to swimming, rollerblading to rowing, buggy pushing to cycling we hope you have lots of fun doing it, and sharing as many photos as you can to help us all share in the joy and maybe even inspire others. Remember it runs for the whole month of July. 
You can sign up as an individual, a family, a group of friends, a school or nursery or a uniformed group or sports team. You can sign up with your work mates, running group or as a corporate.
There are easy packages you can pick from for groups of all sizes. You can sign up
See for more information!


We are grateful to all the very kind people who are taking these donations to where they are so desperately needed. 



Help Needed!

(Not necessarily an accurate representation of a Working Party!)


A message from John Cripps:

'Many thanks to everyone who helped at the Working Party on Saturday 6th July. The next Working Party will be on Saturday 3rd August. Do come along and help – even an hour can help make a great difference to the appearance of the church grounds, which we can all enjoy. More volunteers would be very welcome!    
Everyone is welcome to carry out gardening tasks at other times convenient to them.  The compound has a new lock and that and the tool box have combination padlocks.  Please ask me (01142 588932, 07914 290016, if you want to know the combination and if you open either lock, please take care the combination is set correctly before closing it. The tool box contains the mower, strimmer and some small tools and there are additional tools in the cellar.'


The Green Box

Calling all potential climate activists!

Action needed please!


Traidcraft loo roll

This toilet paper is special because...
*It's made in the UK from 100% recycled paper (no imported bamboo) and it funds tree planting projects to actively restore nature.
*It supports producers around the world - every purchase is fighting for a fairer trade system.
*It includes free delivery straight to your door and extra long rolls for brilliant value.
Subscribe to save: When you subscribe (cancel at any time) - you save 10% (with this discount 36
rolls cost £31.49) and there's no hassle of reordering - it's all done for you.. We want you to get the best deal here so we've created a guide to how often you should order based on household size...
1-2 person household: once every four months

3-4 person household: once every three months
5-7 person household: once every two months
Business, church or big household: once a month
So in a world of worry, let this toilet roll be one less thing on your mind - and more than that - let it be a joy. When you switch to Traidcraft loo roll, you are are using the power of your everyday purchases to make the world a better place.
You can place your order

City of Rivers Exhibition - Weston Park Museum until Sunday 3rd November

Sheffield is a city born from its rivers, sculpting the landscape and powering the industries that made it prosper. Today, they're the arteries that flow through the urban sprawl, continuing to shape the character of the city and our lives in it. From vast reservoirs and cascading weirs to the brooks that trickle through our many green spaces, they also provide a home to a rich abundance of local wildlife. City of Rivers brings together stories, objects, artwork, film and photography to chronicle Sheffield's relationship with its waterways. Drawing on contributions from people across the city, it reflects on our connections to them in our work, leisure time and our impact on the natural habitats they represent. Find out more about the exhibition in Sheffield’s Now Then magazine.


We all want to care for the planet, but can’t do everything at once. Here is the next in a series of tips to think about. Some can be done today, some this month, and some will not be for you. But remember - everyone can do something!


Eco Tips


If saying grace before a meal is a regular practice in your household, include giving thanks for your local food producers.

For more practical ways to enjoy, nurture and defend nature, sign up to A Rocha UK’s Wild Christian email:

See the Eco Group page for more Green news!

This page contains information about upcoming services and events and groups that we support.

Please contact or if there is anything you would like to see or to add, or anyone you would particularly like us to pray for.


This Newsletter will continue to be emailed instead of being printed to hand out in church. This will be better for us as an Eco-Church. There will be printed copies in church, but only for people who cannot receive the emailed newsletter.

We will be live-streaming our main Sunday morning services, for those people who aren't able to join us in church.

All contributions, serious or light-hearted, would be very welcome!


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