St Andrew's

Psalter Lane


Treasurer's Financial Review 2023

Saint Andrew's Psalter Lane Church

Financial Review


In the financial year ended 31 August 2022, total receipts were £167,524 (2021 £166,707) and payments were £168,766 (2021 £143,194) resulting in a small deficit of £1,242 (2021 surplus £23,513).


In the year, expenditure on repairs and maintenance increased by £15,062 and spending on utilities increased by £5,685, which was mainly due to things getting back to normal after the pandemic.


Our members contributed 60% (2021 65%) and income from church properties accounted for 37% (2021 26%) of total revenue.


Payments to the Circuit and Diocese were 42% (2021 46%) of total payments and utilities and repairs amounted to 37% (2021 29%).


On 31 August 2022 our total reserves were £100,228 (2021 £101,470).


Due to an unprecedented increase in the cost of gas and electricity, our budget for the current year, ending on 31 August 2023, shows a substantial deficit. However, having tightened our belts, and worked hard to manage expenditure and increase income, our efforts have been rewarded by a surplus on general funds in the seven months ending on 31 March 2023.


Our church has also been challenged to finance a repair to the spire, which is estimated to cost in the region of £135,000. A substantial part of our existing reserve has been allocated to the project, in addition, our trustees have been successful in raising funding from a local appeal and generous pledges have been received from several local and national grant making bodies. The project is now sufficiently funded to allow the trustees to appoint a contractor to undertake the repair.


Joseph Dey




April 2023

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